The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7295 Message #3181321
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
04-Jul-11 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: Origins: I Ride An Old Paint
Subject: RE: Origins: I Ride An Old Paint
Thanks, Brandy. Usage sometimes departs from the explanations given in Adams, "Western Words," and other glossaries. Larkin and Sandburg, who were the first to print the song, already differed (hoolian and hoolihan); both, I think guessing at the anon. composer's words (Lynn Riggs?).
Your definition is close to Adams for 'hoolihan,' which is to leap forward and alight on the horns of a steer in bulldogging and to knock it down (now barred at most rodeos). Doing it by the tail is new to me.