The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102462 Message #3181742
Posted By: GUEST,Spike
05-Jul-11 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'A handsome man stepped under the transom
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'A handsome man stepped under the transom
My God, the stuff you can find on the internet! For some reason the words 'a gentleman dapper stepped out of the crapper' have been going around in my head but I couldn't remember anything else so I googled it. Of course I did. I was in Australia in 1961-62 with the Royal Air Force and bought a book of comic verse. This was one of them. I had no idea that it was a song. Thanks very much. I recall there was another poem about a dog with sugar diabetes. Anyone?