The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #137967   Message #3182326
Posted By: Penny S.
06-Jul-11 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Strauss-Kahn. American dirty tricks?
Subject: RE: BS: Strauss-Kahn. American dirty tricks?
I do find this concept of alpha male applied to humans rather odd. It seems that there is an idea associatred with the word alpha that implies an appropriate status at the top of these individuals. Thsi works with other primates in small tribal groups as a description of the group organisation. Or in wolves. And possibly naked mole rats. But what works with chimps and gorillas does not translate well into human society. Where I have come across males with this sort of self image, they have always been utterly obnoxious, and associated with behaviour less than human. Real top human males would be much more effective leaders, and much more subtle in their behaviour. And very, very rare. (They probably wouldn't need to force sex, either.)
