The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138945   Message #3182587
Posted By: GUEST,mg
06-Jul-11 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: tunes for kipling verses
Subject: tunes for kipling verses
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Do we know this Leslie Fish? She seems to have put more tunes to verses than Bellamy.

I need to look at this more closely...I know I have heard WP of Seattle do one...I think Beaches of Lukkannan..I know Gordon Bok has at least one and I am not sure he is in database. Some tunes are so obvious and I am not sure they are in there..we'll duck and we'll dive like little tin turtles for example. In Lowestoft a boat was laid...maybe they are in there.

But I would encourage people to be submitting and saving MP3s etc. mg