The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138959   Message #3183728
Posted By: GUEST,BusyBee Paul at work
08-Jul-11 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: RIP 'News of the World'.
Subject: RE: BS: RIP 'News of the World'.
I agree, everyone here going on and on as if they scored a point over Rupert. He is having the last laugh. He has been working on binding the Sun and News Of The World since last November.

You can say all you want, but him and his family have done very well for themselves in business, that you have to admire. It seems that anyone who is successful in business is fair game for the Looney lefties on threads here.

Also, people buy the news they want to read, The News Of The World was the most popular Sunday paper, not everyone wants to read a boring broad sheet with a free classic CD. Half of those that buy the Sunday Times do so thinking they are impressing the newsagent or neighbours.

Clearly the red tops are popular in the UK, so what do you suggest, people read the newspapers you select ? Make your mind up, either you want a free society embracing the working class, (as long as they read the quality press) and continue to mock and despise those who create employment and put food on their tables.

By the way, I agree, I would love to see a centrespread of Rebekah, a very classy powerful lady with stunning looks, what more could a man want.

Breaking news, the offices of the Daily Star just been raided.