The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138959   Message #3183753
Posted By: Brian May
08-Jul-11 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: RIP 'News of the World'.
Subject: RE: BS: RIP 'News of the World'.
I find it very hard to find sympathy for the 'innocent' staff.

They might not have been directly involved, and I suspect the vast majority weren't.

However, they all applied for and were happy to work in jobs that facilitated that rag ruin peoples' lives. Their methods (NoW) were questionable 30 years ago, let alone recently, and there is seldom smoke without fire.

I do NOT believe staff are actually THAT naive when it comes to 'unnamed sources'.

I have a lot more sympathy for those innocents who were abused by this rag in an attempt to score points and make money. To some extent, those 'in the public eye' have chosen to be there. Victims' relatives most certainly did NOT.