The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138959   Message #3184044
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
08-Jul-11 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: RIP 'News of the World'.
Subject: RE: BS: RIP 'News of the World'.
Those who are worrying about the current "innocent staff" should give a little more thought to the situation.

Since the families of Servicemen killed in Afghanistan have been hacked, and most probably that means "are still being hacked", who are these innocents.

Only the typesetters and printers could be unaware of the sources, and even that is unlikely given the way that the "grapevine" works.

Rebekah Brooks is busy now, making sure that the few staff who aren't found jobs elsewhere in the organisation will get a superb redundancy package. After all, if they aren't happy, they'll be selling their stories to the Telegraph, and BOY, do they have stories to sell!!

Don T