The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139051   Message #3186564
Posted By: JohnInKansas
13-Jul-11 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: Tech: how to turn off an 'automatic' tune
Subject: RE: Tech: how to turn off an 'automatic' tune
In Windows, the little speaker button that should be on the bar at the bottom right should open your sound settings. Depending on how your sound is set up, the first button may open more than one "volume control" but the button at the bottom of the "speakers" adjustment, if that's what comes up, should turn sound off completely, or back on, without changing your volume settings.

Usually a single control, either a "Volume" or "Mixer" will "rise up" when you click the speaker icon; but the button below the adjustment bar should be a "mute/unmute" toggle on anything you see. (Double-clicking the speaker icon may open a more "complete" set of adjustments.)

If you mute the speakers, you can later "unmute" your sound without having to twiddle with readjusting the sound volume, the next time you want sound turned back on.

Any other method you use to silence the automatic sound on web pages would need to be set to always turn sound off, which probably isn't what you want, or would require you to click at least a couple of other things to turn your "silencer" on or off, so it's hard to see why anything else would be an improvement over what you've got - even if you came up with a different method of clicking some sort of other trash you add to your setup.
