The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #3186779
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
13-Jul-11 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!
Most are technical, reflecting the complexity of the Licensing Act's music provisions, but include changing the exemption cut-off time from midnight to 11pm. This was one of the conditions required for government support announced by Baroness Rawlings during the bill's 2nd Reading on 04 March:

Sorry but perhaps the price to pay for this Govt's support here is not one we can afford to pay and perhaps it is better to proceed without this Govt's support. There is an imprtant principle at stake here.

All live music does not present problems which automatically require additional licensing permission at 11pm, midnight or any other time. By accepting any curfew time - we are accepting that it does. It was a backward step to propose midnight in the Bill and one understandably made in the hope of Govt support. It is leap backwards to then change it.

The Act removed fixed serving times for alcohol. Prior to this generally welcomed relaxation - there was no fixed curfew placed on live music, which stopped when the alcohol stopped. This inculded all of the live music in pubs which was excluded under the 'two-in-a-bar.

When it is genenerally now accepted that it is alcohol related issues which cause most of the concerns - we are to have a fixed curfew on all live music. In all reality, if passed and if left to our current system and to our licensing employees, there would be little or no live music permitted after 11pm. That which was permitted would be subject to many further restrictions and conditions.

This, not because it presented any problem but simply because it took place after the curfew. Our licensing employees will love getting paid overtime to listen out for any live music after curfew.

We we not under martial law or being bombed, when such curfews may have some justification.

Why is live music OK to be unregulated prior to a certain time of night but the same activity then needs to be subject to expensive and additional entertainment licensing after this?

If the issue is one of noise, then the fact that an activity has permission or not will not make any difference, as it is subject to the Environment Protection Act, which already has its own built-in restrictions. Yet more restrictions on live music are not required under entertainment licensing, which can now be safely scrapped. This Bill, as worded, encourages the very additional entertainment legislation that most of us wish to see scrapped.

Are we now turkeys voting for Christmas?

It is people, not live music or musicians which cause problems. I suggest that these curfews and fees are not placed on premises but on people who cannot behave at night in a socially acceptable mannner and it is they who should need to pay for licence to be out after 11.00, which can be taken away if they transgress. Any chance of such an ammendment being made?