The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26423   Message #318734
Posted By: Mooh
14-Oct-00 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Goodbye
Subject: RE: BS: Goodbye
Oh brother, here we go again. Yeah, Mbo adds to the wonderful world of Mudcat. So do lots of others. But for goodness sake let's keep our perspective. Gone or not, he's the boy who cried wolf if there ever was one. To swipe Soph's metaphor/analogy, he's being paper-trained at our collective expense. I just wish that he'd curb the crap postings and keep adding worthy postings because it's getting to the point where I avoid reading him if there's even a wiff of his bs.

Thanks Soph, for the laugh.

Oh yeah, and Mbo, assuming you're reading this, are you coming back next week or what?

Mooh (using an Oasis disc as a coaster).