The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26458   Message #318811
Posted By: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)
14-Oct-00 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: Music/Nonmusic Solution Found!
Subject: RE: Music/Nonmusic Solution Found!
We have a really remarkable site here as it is. Expecting that this extensive a community would always get along is ludicrous. I wish we could be a little gentler in our disagreements, but at the same time, we're a very large and diverse group. Truth be told if we all thought the same way, there would not be much need to come here. And when we did it would be boring. I think what we need to do is to learn to make a statement of disagreement without it being an attack. And for the most part we can, but with this many people feeling strongly about so many subjects it can steamroll into something ugly over days or even hours. I hate to bring up the "Gypsy"threads again but they saw Áine and Joe Offer at each other's virtual throats as well as Brendy, InOBU and a whole slew of others who normally get along at least civilly on the verge of longterm hatred with each other. And if you go back and read over the history of these members postings you see they are all kind, decent well-meaning people normally. It just takes a spark and one person not willing to let it drop and a thread goes off to the races. The catch 22 is that this stems from the fact that we police ourselves. There is no outside authority keeping us in check. Max has the resources to do so but wisely leaves it to us. That we agree to disagree is fundamental to what makes this place so amazing.

Siochán daoibh (Peace to you),