The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34287   Message #3188255
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Jul-11 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: Tarzan comics & 'Ape-English' memories..
Subject: RE: Tarzan comics & 'Ape-English' memories..
The woman they have chosen doesn't look like Dejah Thoris to me. But as for the clothing aspect....this society of ours is too inhibited about nakedness to deal with a mainstream movie that depicts the Martians as ERB described them. That's unfortunate, but that's simply the way it is. The censors wouldn't allow it, and people would think it a threat to children, but it isn't. If you have a situation where everyone in a society walks around naked or almost in nudist camps, for example, or in various tribal societies that have existed here and presents no threat to children or to anyone else, it's not erotic, it just becomes the norm and no one thinks anything of it.

It's because we have built up taboos about certain parts of the body that we are frightened by public nakedness. The Martians in ERB's books didn't suffer from that particular phobia.

Whether ERB thought he could sell more Mars novels by igniting the prurient imagination of an inhibited population with his descriptive prose, of course, is another question altogether! ;-D

They need a slender, young, brunette exotic-looking type to portray Dejah Thoris. The young Angelina Jolie might have done rather well for the part.