The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #3188566
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
15-Jul-11 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!

But the bill's opponents maintain there is no problem with the current licensing situation. Chris White, chairman of the Local Government Association's culture, tourism and sport board, said he thought it was "a very ignorant bill", adding that "the case that there is a problem with live music has not been made".

The case that there is a problem with live music is plainly accepted now that the Live Music Bill is supported by the Govt's side in the Lords.

Is the chairman of the Local Government Association's culture, tourism and sport board still of the view (assuming as he does, to be speaking on behalf of all of the council tax payers in England and Wales) that it is a "a very ignorant bill"?

Or will he now resign before his unrepresentitive but influential views can inflict any more damage on culture?