The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139000   Message #3188676
Posted By: Penny S.
16-Jul-11 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: More on transAtlantic distinctions
Subject: RE: BS: More on transAtlantic distinctions
Crumpets can be made at home. There's no secret to them. My Mum did it once. It is a bit of a palaver. They are made from a yeasted batter, which is poured into a ring on a griddle. They are a bit more than half an inch thick, with the base looking a bit like that of an American breakfast pancake, but the top holed like a Swiss cheese. Eaten without a topping, especially without buttered, they would be pretty dire, but they are supposed to have butter melted on them after toasting. It occurs to me they might be good carriers of maple syrup. Nothing like any sort of biscuit, British or American.

See also pikelets, which are thinner.
