The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139144   Message #3188942
Posted By: Donuel
16-Jul-11 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
Subject: RE: BS: Now that Earth is destroyed, what now
Speaking of weeds...

IF we had eradicated weeds a thousand years ago, we would not have cotton, corn and most of our grain today.

Weeds certainly can be deadly poison, even in the milk of cows that eat them, but some weeds are also medicine.

The neighbor on the corner is proud of his weed free lawn that is greener than every lawn in town from all the phosphates and nitrates that is pourd on his lawn. Unfortunetly he lives 40 feet from the park so when it rains the storm sewer pours his runoff into Rock Creek making it billow with mounds of foam for miles.

Monsanto has geneticly engineered crops that are immune to Round Up herbacide. Weeds got smart and are more immune now. Farmers who play Monsantos game are now pouring 3 times as much Round Up herbacide for the same results 10 years ago. Ergo you are probably eating 3 times as much herbacide as you used to.

We gotta give weeds their due.
I even smoked weed, do you?