The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34287   Message #3188979
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jul-11 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: Tarzan comics & 'Ape-English' memories..
Subject: RE: Tarzan comics & 'Ape-English' memories..
I don't do much drawing these days, Don, but I used to when I was a child and into my early 20s. I drew cartoon stories of a world peopled not by we homo sapiens, but by civilized alligators and crocodiles. Relatively civilized, that is! ;-) They had walled cities and sailing ships and stuff, but they also engaged in a lot of mayhem. Out in the countryside there were numerous dinosaurs and other creatures, so a hunting expedition could involve some very big game and entail very considerable risk, needless to say.