The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139089   Message #3189449
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
17-Jul-11 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will FOX unNews Go Down???
Subject: RE: BS: Will FOX unNews Go Down???
Donuel is correct, follow the money. If and when the big advertisers decide to pull the plug, even the biggest media outlet can go down the plughole. And that happens when it becomes clear that enough of the public are really pissed-off.

That happened with the News of the World, because the facts about the hacking of murdered Millie Dowling came out, and turned too many people's stomachs. So if, for example, people come to believe that there is evidence that 9/11 victims and families had their phones hacked by FoxNews , I wouldn't give the organisation a snowball's chance in hell of surviving, at least without sacking their existing executives, and a bunch of familiar faces. At very least, that is...

It isn't down to politicians making decisions, they'll just jump on the bandwagon as fast as they can - to avoid being booked onto the tumbril.