The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62980   Message #3189996
Posted By: Jim Dixon
18-Jul-11 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: ADD: The Animals' Pop Party (Rolf Harris)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE ANIMALS' POP PARTY (Rolf Harris)
Here's my transcription from the YouTube recording. (I used the words that were given there and added some.)

The indented words are sung by the backup singers. The words in parentheses and italics are spoken, not sung.

(As sung by Rolf Harris)

I went to an animals' pop party.
I didn't know what I should wear,
So I dressed myself up kind of op-arty,
And what a funny-looking crowd was there!
There was one weird wallaby wobbling woefully—
I wouldn't want to walk that way—
(You want to try, fellows?)
    There was one weird wallaby wobbling woefully—
    I wouldn't want to walk that way
(That's good!)
And two tired tigers tattered and torn
Turned tail and tottered away.
    Two tired tigers tattered and torn
    Turned tail and tottered away.

I went to an animals' pop party.
What a funny-looking crowd was there!
There was one weird wallaby wobbling woefully,
    Two tired tigers tattered and torn,
Three little threadbare thrushes
Thrilled that they weren't thrown out;
There was four fat frogs found floating in a fountain,
Feeding all their faces full of fairy floss. (Try it!)
    Four fat frogs found floating in a fountain,
    Feeding all their faces full of fairy floss.

I went to an animals' pop party.
What a funny-looking crowd was there!
    There was one weird wallaby wobbling woefully,
    Two tired tigers tattered and torn,
Three little threadbare thrushes,
    Four fat frogs found floating in a fountain,
Five fine fighting flies flying in formation,
Feeling neither fish nor fowl,
(Now here's a good one!)
Six sick silverfish secretly seeking
Sympathy from somebody who seems sincere.
(It's yours!)
    Six sick silverfish secretly seeking
    Sympathy from somebody who seems sincere.

I went to an animals' pop party.
What a funny-looking crowd was there!
There was one weird wallaby wobbling woefully,
    Two tired tigers tattered and torn,
    Three little threadbare thrushes,
Four fat frogs found floating in a fountain,
Five fine fighting flies flying in formation,
Six sick silverfish secretly seeking,
Seven scented centipedes sorrowfully searching
For something soothing to suck through a straw,
(Try it!)
    Seven scented centipedes sorrowfully searching
    For something soothing to suck through a straw,
Eight aged apes all aching in the arms
After hanging around half the afternoon,
Nine naughty nostriches annoying all the neighbourhood,
By knocking on their kneecaps with a nine inch nail
    Nine naughty nostriches annoying all the neighbourhood,
    By knocking on their kneecaps with a nine inch nail
Ten tiny terrapins with tattered invitation cards,
Terrified and tremulous 'cause every time they turn
There's a tremendous temperamental old tarantula confronting them,
Attempting no attack but just contentiously tapping out
A tired type of tempo with the tips of two of his toenails
To the tune of an Italian tarantella.
(All together now!)

They threw me right out of their pop party.
I asked them what the trouble could be.
They just told me that I'd better hop smartly,
Because they didn't like the look of me.