The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26348   Message #319089
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Oct-00 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: Help: YOUR Favorite Hymns
Subject: RE: Help: YOUR Favorite Hymns
aawake-- that must be the post-service state of non-wakefulness common among the clergyfolk.

greenfields, I have words for some spirituals in a Gospel Singer's Wordbook, and have seen some more books at music stores, but have not seen a lot of recorded stuff. If an answer is not forthcoming in this thread in the next day or two, you might try starting a thread specifically asking your question, such as Help: Source for CDs, Spirituals.

Or-- if you find a source, do come back and share it here! Or in a thread of its own. Assuming you purchase bigtime, my step-daughter will then wish to move in with you-- she loves them and I do too. (We are keeping her, :~) so you'll have to move here!)

Also I hope you checked out the Digital Tradition database that is part of this site-- the blue box on the top of the Forum page.



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