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Thread #139089   Message #3191335
Posted By: Donuel
20-Jul-11 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will FOX unNews Go Down???
Subject: RE: BS: Will FOX unNews Go Down???
Free press in touble ?

Let me count the ways.

It was in trouble when journalists felt fear and intimidation to tell the truth, not from the sources or war time dangers but from their boss.

When a collusion exists between politicians, police and a monopolistic press under the control of one man, I say that it is a free society that is in trouble.

SOme prefer a free society and some unwitingly prefer a police state.

It can lead to starting wars for the benefit of war profiteers.

It can lead to the destruction of the greatest people due to the political whim of one man.

It can lead to a police state supported by fearful politicians and the full support of one man.

Murdoch has 172 TV channels in the US bound by FCC rules.
The right to out right lie in the guise of news was allowed when Reagan abolished the fairness doctrine. the slogan fair and balance is but another example of new speak in this Orwellian wave that has swept the world over the last 20 years.

Does a free press exist?

Yes pdq, the 5th estate does exist and yes it is in trouble, because of the nature of a man who sought to control not just newspapers, but all politicians, all police, all celebrities and everyday men and women in what amounted to a blackmail scheme and hush money mill to silence its victims. Justice itself was corrupted when investigations are canceled by the head of the police who had the closest relationship with Murdoch.

Now dead bodies and warning on FOX to keep quiet if you got hush money has entered the equation. These are things we should investigate. If investigating this is considered to be trashing Murcdoch, you are either biased or delusional.

The biased can eventually re think an issue. The delusional can not.