The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139089   Message #3192124
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
21-Jul-11 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will FOX unNews Go Down???
Subject: RE: BS: Will FOX unNews Go Down???
A forlorn hope I'm afraid Sawzaw!

Police chiefs, CEOs of subsidiaries, politicians and private detectives may well go to the wall, but the Teflon coated arseholes who presided over the whole sorry mess will go on being a menace to a decent society until said society grows a pair and squashes them and all their ilk.

A "free press" is the common excuse for allowing the dissemination of lies and prejudice masquerading as news, and that is not what was intended as the meaning of the phrase.

It is supposed to mean telling the truth without fear or favour, the antithesis of the Murdochs' activities as displayed, for more than three decades, over three continents.

Don T.