The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139282   Message #3193457
Posted By: GUEST,Don Wise
23-Jul-11 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: Never Work With Children or Animals
Subject: RE: Never Work With Children or Animals
This takes me back.........I recall going with my then girlfriend, and her dog, to a Waterson/Carthy gig in Southport. The dog was peacefully asleep under the girlfriend's chair until Mike W. chanced to stamp at the start of a chorus. The dog was startled out of its sleep, leapt up and headed, barking, for the stage....The Watersons stopped singing, Carthy looked totally shocked, there was a state of mild pandemonium, and was the girlfriend embarassed?! Mike W. recovered first, reigned in the dog and made a real fuss of it. I think the song was "The Country Life", although "Bellman" would have been more appropriate.