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Thread #139325   Message #3194255
Posted By: Big Ballad Singer
24-Jul-11 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Right to carry' anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Right to carry' anyone?
So many people go on and on about the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. That right, of course, was instituted so that a well-armed MILITIA might be maintained in those newborn United States, but I digress...

Most of the people who go raving about their "right" to carry arms tend to fall into the stereotypically "macho" category. These "tough guys" also tend to like hunting and fishing for "sport". In other words, a lot of these people basically want to carry guns so that they can shoot less-well-armed or even defenseless targets at will.

Six people will now never go on to enjoy any more pleasures in life, nor learn from any new experiences... all because some idiot Rambo decided that his "right" to carry a gun made it OK for him to use it at his discretion.

As far as I'm concerned, any right to carry or even own firearms privately, when one is NOT a member of the Armed Forces or a law-enforcement agency, should be accompanied by the strictest regulations and penalties for the use or misuse of said firearms.

FYI, I was raised by a man who is a Benefactor/Life Member of the NRA and is ferociously supportive of so-called "gun rights". That not only did not affect me positively towards guns, it made me even more convinced that blanket "freedoms" spell disaster for our society when it comes to guns. My father is a VERY peaceable, uber-conservative evangelical Christian in active ministry at his church, and unless the vast majority of "gun rights" private-carry advocates are equally as intelligent and morally tempered, the "right to carry" is going to turn our country into Dodge City.

We've heard enough stories about the idiots, drug dealers, mobsters and others who have used guns to their selfish advantage and devastated the lives of others... Oslo, anyone?

I think it's time Americans left the shooting to those whose job it is to bear arms for our protection and safety here and abroad.

You know that BS about "guns don't kill people; PEOPLE kill people"? Maybe so, but those "people" often use those innocent little guns to do it, don't they?