The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139335   Message #3195074
Posted By: Big Ballad Singer
25-Jul-11 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ireland v the Pope
Subject: RE: BS: Ireland v the Pope
Sadly, the 'Church' that Ireland (and lots of other places) is "lost to" is a sham, a facade. It's a hollow and spiritually and morally powerless institution that has usurped and pretended to be the Church that once both assimilated and nurtured Irish culture and her pagan traditions. The stories that are the most popular, of course, are the ones about the Church (supposedly) smothering, destroying and eliminating the paganism from Ireland, but an honest view of history shows that Celtic ideas, philosophies, theological notions and devotional practices all enhanced the Church's ability to turn the hearts of people toward the Divine.

No, this iniquitous monster that parades in finery while leaving millions of its parishioners in poverty, sexual and political repression and painful scandal has no right calling itself the Church, and it is high time that the 'Vatican', so-called, gets its filthy hands off Ireland.

The bastard that calls himself an ambassador of the church would probably enjoy having the door hit him in the ass on his way out, but I'm glad he's leaving all the same.