The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103749   Message #3195410
Posted By: saulgoldie
25-Jul-11 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: News of Note (was 'I Read it . . .')
Subject: RE: BS: News of Note (was 'I Read it . . .')
Do they know how stupid they look?

The reporter on Current TV (where Olberman landed) was doing a documentary on the "drug trade" in Mehico. He was being filmed as drug agents were, get this, burning a huge marijuana crop in several fires all around the reporter. After several minutes "documenting" the activity, the reporter "suddenly" realized that he was effectively taking a huge bong hit. And another, and so on. And the agents??? Jayzus f***ing Keerist! Are they really that daft??!!!
