The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26457   Message #319620
Posted By: Jon Freeman
16-Oct-00 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: Post-Llanstock
Subject: RE: Post-Llanstock
Terry, it's funny the instant mates bit. I will admit that I was very apprehensive about going to this do as I was worried about meeting all these people for the first time. I had chatted to several on Hearme but meeting in real life is different. My fears dissappeared straight away and I can honestly say that I have never met a more friendly group of people.

I just wish it didn't have to end - sort of reminded me of the times when I used to go over to Dublin and when the time came to catch the boat, I just wished someone would kidnap me...

I don't know about others but I suspect that it is going to take me a few days to get back to reality after this do. I remeber Alice commenting on the climbig down after meeting 'catters earier this year. I'm feeling a little that way at the moment - oh well, there is always next year...
