The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139363   Message #3196777
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Jul-11 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Bush stole the 2004 election
Subject: RE: BS: How Bush stole the 2004 election
Hey!!! You sayin' that the people who don't agree with you about politics think the Earth is flat???????? That what you sayin', Bobertz????

Well, if you are gonna make them kinda wild allegations and suggestions, buster, then don't be surprised when they accuse YOU of bein' in favor of openin' the borders to ANYONE who wants in, disarming the U.S. of A. totally, surrenderin' to international terrorism, and lettin' Muslims (like Obama?) take over the government and install Sharia Law in little towns all across America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I mean, hey, if we can guiltlessly deal in ridiculous stereotyping of people on the Right, then why complain when they do the same back to us, right?

Ya with me on this, you ol' hillbilly? Go ahead, 'em all "knuckledraggers" too. They deserve it, right? ;-D