The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26457   Message #319766
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Oct-00 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Post-Llanstock
Subject: RE: Post-Llanstock
My dear friends across the pond,

Man alive, I gotta' tell you that I am almost in tears reading this, and I mean tears of joy!!! It is so obvious from your postings that this was a gathering of friends and somehow a bit unlike the US version in that vein that Dick Greenhaus mentioned that the English emphasis is on groupsinging and shared songs as opposed to the more performance related aspects of the Americanized version. I was kinda' struck by Dick's observation, but it is clear here that all of you shared a wonderful time together no matter what you did or how you did it! The enthusiam and the friendship come through crystal clear.

Thanks so much for the photos Bernard and your resemblance to Micca is frightening! Frightens the hell out of me anyway just looking at the two of you!!! I was able to identify a lot of the folks in the group photos, but could you give us a name caption perhaps??

So let's get down to the real Patrish story...........
