The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139416   Message #3198323
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
30-Jul-11 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party- New & Improved Thread...
Sawzaw, Your post: "From: Sawzaw
                   Date: 28 Jul 11 - 11:00 PM"
Is correct, and accurate. You've done your homework! I'm impressed!

Wouldn't it be great if those who needed to know that their 'slip is showing' could take it in?!?!

In regards to the Tea Party, won't matter I said in another post dealing with the debt ceiling, what is going to come out of this, is the U.S., with all its 'two party compromises', will end up with the government handing over receivership of the debt to an 'international, globalist banking concern'....and everybody will go away 'happy'....and go away, with absolute rule, and control of our country, and under their rules. This IS and will be the result of the corruption of our 'representative' government. We have, for sometime now, had our 'representatives' not representing the 'will of the people'...but rather, acting as brokers, in regards to the 'laws' they back, and for what reason.....the highest bidder.
The Tea Party rank and file is mostly comprised of regular folks who thought they had nowhere else to turn. The Kosh's merely cashed in, with their efforts to gain control of them. As it stands now, there is NO group truly representing the people.....and by the way, as a country, we have already collapsed....and have not been informed fully, as of yet!
Just stay tuned, and'll see!
Meanwhile, I'm sure many of those lagging behind, will still be pointing fingers, at one party or the keep reality from being addressed! As it stands now, we are in a world of hurt, and the ONLY thing keeping it afloat, is whatever 'remnants' of 'hope' you can muster up!.....until it's used up!!
You'll see!!!