The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26457   Message #319889
Posted By: Trevor
16-Oct-00 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: Post-Llanstock
Subject: RE: Post-Llanstock
Sounds like we definitely missed the best bits - boohoo - but a person can only take so much. And I had to follow Dalek & his 12 string - intimidating or what? Luckily most were currying when I did my bit so I got away with it.

The thing that struck me was what a smiley place the bar was on Friday, and how easy it was to be part of it. And with so many different accents around I didn't get the usual stick for being 'Black Country' (NB for friends across the water - an industrial area in the English midlands)!

Patrish, where can I get the words to 'Laredo', pretty, pretty please?

Sian, I think I'm at the meeting we talked about, and I missed the cake.

