The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139355   Message #3199064
Posted By: Bobert
31-Jul-11 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Republican Default Crises
Subject: RE: BS: The Republican Default Crises
That is my point, LH... No, we don't need another big war or even a new and shiny smallish war, for that matter...

What we do need is to get our heads wrapped around what it will take to get out country humming again... The corporations have no interst or motivation in helping here so count them out unless your model is to "privatize" everything down to charging Little Suzie for riding her trike on the sidewalk in front of her house and charging her parents for the air that Little Suzie breathes... Heck, why not privatize gravity, too... Yup, don't want yer shit floating around the house (you included) then pay up your Acme Gravity, Inc bill and we'll be out in a couple days to restore your service... I mean, privatization is a mean spirited "wet dream" of the rich...

But never mind wet dream and gravity...

No, I take it back, we do need a war... We need to declare war on stupid policies that are put in place by those who will profit rather than sound policies that are beneficial for the entire nation... The interstate highway system is the poster child of what government can do when we have a culture and mentality that we need to do things that benefit everyone...

This war could include some things that have worked in the past such as the WPA or the CCC where unemployed people will be paid to work on our crumbling infrastructure... But we don't have to follow that model... We could just use existing companies and new start-up companies which the Repubs might find more palatable...

But this idea that we need to cut spending during a recovery is flawed in every respect... This is garbage in = garbage out thinking... Last month the private sector added 58,000 jobs... Not great but beat a poke in the eye... But state and local governments had to lay off 40,000 workers... Hey, one don't have to be Menza material to see that, at that rate, the US will be right back in another recession with those kinda of policies...

Time for some real Keyensian-ism... Let's go to war to win... Not go to make the rich richer while the working class and American infrastructure continue to crumble... I don't buy pdq's thinking that we have give given the Keyensian model a fair shake... Economists told *US* that the minimum amount it would take to get *US* out of the recession and humming was $1T+... Because the Repubs stamped their feet and had yet another hissy fit all Obama was able to get was $700B and of that only $300B in stimulus and the other $400B in what??? Yup, more fucking tax cuts???

We heed sanity here... If these same hissy fit Repubs got cancer they would seek out the brightest and best doctors yet when it comes to the Nation's over economy they follow the advice of hacks and people who are only interested in gaming the system??? That is insanity.... Nothing more and nothing less... Pure insanity!!!
