The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48959 Message #3199246
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
31-Jul-11 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: South Australia:What the hell's a 'Rolling King'?
Subject: RE: What the hell's a 'Rolling King'?
1902 Keeler, Charles. A Wanderer’s Songs of the Sea. San Francisco: A.M. Robertson.
Composed poems/songs inspired by chanties. The preface says,
In a few chanties of this collection, notably "South Australia," "Storm Along," and "Haul Away, Joe," I have preserved the refrain of the sailors, and in all of them I have aimed to give something of the spirit of the men who go down to the sea in ships.
His “South Australiaâ€쳌 has both “heave awayâ€쳌 and “haul away.â€쳌 Since that song has only turned up in print once so far (with “heaveâ€쳌 consistently), has he made this up or does this provide evidence of a heard version that actually mixes the two?
Our bark for South Australia sails And on we ride through trades and gales; Heave away, haul away!
In South Australia I was reared, And in its bush I grew my beard; Heave away, haul away!
I love its horses and its men, I love its wattles in the glen; Heave away, haul away!
I've roamed through gum-trees' endless shade, I've herded sheep from glade to glade; Heave away, haul away!
I've mined for gold, I've played for gain, And cruised along the Spanish Main; Heave away, haul away!
0 South Australia's wild and free! 1 had a girl, but she jilted me; Heave away, haul away!
She stole my watch and ran away, I'll meet my Kate again some day! Heave away, haul away!
For we're bound for South Australia's shore And Kate will greet me as of yore, Heave aivay, haul away!