The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139338   Message #3199329
Posted By: MGM·Lion
31-Jul-11 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Movies to avoid
Subject: RE: BS: Movies to avoid
You will all talk about it "in its time", as if it was some sort of genre pioneer, instead of a late and not particularly effectual [to put it at its lowest] example of a genre which had been established so long it had whiskers on it: after 50+ years of silent Houses Of Wax & Black Museums, Schrek, Whale, Karloff, Lugosi, Chaney, Price, Hammer ~~ what on earth do you mean by "in its time", as if nobody had ever made a horror film before 1968 and it was showing us all the way somewhere?

OK ~~ so some people thought it better, more effective, than I did; which is naturally fair enough ~~ of course tastes and reactions differ; but this constant iteration that I must make allowances for it as some sort of pioneer of a new movie genre is just plain ridiculous, surely?