The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139492   Message #3201266
Posted By: gnu
03-Aug-11 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: What is a real man?
Subject: RE: BS: What is a real man?
I read some of those types of posts, depending on the topic, if they are not too long. I ignore most of what is posted therein as gobble and shite trolling, but I read them because they often make me laugh. Perhaps that is the intent of such posts?... Mudcourt jesters? I hope so.

Oh dear. Is this getting nasty? Recall what Max recently said... play nice or get axed. Then again, some posts and threads don't get axed when things get nasty... so... have at it! Let's see where the nasty trolls take us. I am sure most people here are "man enough" to read all the shite and not wilt. Indeed, reading tripe and lard let's everyone know who is fat.