The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139527   Message #3201560
Posted By: GUEST,Patsy
04-Aug-11 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cocktail anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: Cocktail anyone?
Cocktails are ok on the odd occasion for a birthday celebration drink but I am not that familiar about which is which apart from the well known like Harvey Wallbangers, Sidecars, Mojitos, Pina Coladas and Tequila Sunrises and wouldn't attempt to make one. I suppose the closest I have got to making anything different I once put a chopped banana and a few strawberries in a blender with vodka part skimmed milk wooshed it up and then topped it with ice cream and wooshed it up again until thick. It was more of a healthy alcoholic fruit milkshake but really delicious.

In UK it varies from place to place how good a cocktail is, I recently called into a place with a friend and asked for a cocktail each and the barman had to get a book out and follow it step by step. Luckily it did turn out alright but surely most barmen ought to know how to put together some basic ones.