The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139559   Message #3201767
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
04-Aug-11 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK
livelylass, I think these young women's aspirations were formed by the examples of their mothers and grandmothers, many of whom had illegitimate children and have not worked. Also, the so-called 'sink estates' are rife with all kinds of crime, which actually pays well, as I know from my contact with these type of women on prison visits. They often have plasma TVs, expensive mobile phones etc, paid for by drug selling, handling stolen property, prostitution and shop-lifting (which is done to order by an organiser) I'm stumped as to how we can break this 'underclass' situation. One quite young woman I got to know had no fewer than five children, each by a different father. She visited in two different prisons, taking the children with her, to see two of the fathers. A third was her pimp. One was dead from an OD, and the fifth called round now and then to see her! How does one remedy a situation like that?