The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139559   Message #3202537
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
06-Aug-11 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK
'a reactionary gullible consumer of tabloid nonsense...'
Well, let's take reactionary first. I'm a Daily Mail reader, and I don't consider myself reactionary or right-wing, but tending toward the liberal. I welcome progress, change and reform, and do not necessarily worship the status quo.
I also consider myself to be quite unusual (I don't say this with any pride, merely as a fact) as I've benefitted from an excellent University education, travelled widely, had dealings with all levels of society as a teacher and Prison Visitor, seen abject poverty all over West Africa, and am married to a black African Muslim, while being on the PCC of my local church.
Gullible? No more than anyone else, and as I'm quite old, I tend to be a little cynical and sceptical, having seen a great deal in my life.
Tabloid nonsense? Possibly, but I have plenty of 'pinches of salt' in my armoury, and I enjoy reading my paper (and doing the puzzles, as I'm not terribly mobile these days and it passes the time agreeably)
So, speaking only for myself, yes I log on to Mudcat, and no, I am not
'a reactionary gullible consumer of tabloid nonsense'.