The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45180   Message #3202973
Posted By: GUEST,999
06-Aug-11 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Danger Waters - story behind the song?
Subject: RE: Help: Danger Waters - story behind the song?
ME1--please google

Joan Baez in Concert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look the page over and notice the tracks are listed on the mid-lower right of the page==particularly track 7. The album is from 1962.

It is possible that one person did the translation and the other the arranging and despite the song being of Ghanaian origin, it got swiped in the 'copyright every darned thing in sight' that seemed to have been the frenzy in those days.

Sometimes the backs of old records show up in google images. Perhaps you will find further testimonial there. Best to you.