The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139559   Message #3203536
Posted By: GUEST,mg
07-Aug-11 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK
They need to be told this is what you have to do to keep your benefits, and this is what you have to do to keep your in keep her fed and clean and in a safe environment. There should be grades of housing..some totally indestructable with only the basics, and some nicer stuff that they could earn, or lose...there should be excellent security in all of these places and if they have idiotic practices like they have in the states with vulnerable elderly and mentally ill people being mixed in with aggressive sorts..that has to stop. There should be lots and lots of oh dear fascist video surveillance and checkpoints for visitors to check in. People can and do adapt to all sorts of restrictions, and it should be understood from day one that public benefits are going to come with strings attached, the first being good behavior. mg