The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25636   Message #320375
Posted By: Dale Rose
16-Oct-00 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A Little Talk with Jesus (Ernest Phipps)
Subject: RE: A Little Talk With Jesus, Ernest Phipps
It is in this thread, under the title Amer. Rural Classics from late July. It can be found with a forum search. Truth is, this thread should have been a part of that one anyway, since that is where it was originally requested. It is just that it took me so long to find the lyrics that I had sort of forgotten that is where it really should have been. Several of us had taken stabs at what the ladies (Minnie Phipps, Nora Bryley and A.G. Baker ~~ list courtesy of Stewie) were singing, but came up mostly empty ~~ lots of mumble, mumbles in our translations! That is where it stayed until I got the Thoro Harris book. Actually I had the Winsett book earlier, just didn't know it was in there.