The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139637   Message #3204144
Posted By: gnu
08-Aug-11 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Raspberry Question
Subject: RE: BS: Raspberry Question
First step... dept of agriculture because if it's fire blight they will want to know on accounta La Belle Province is big in raspberries. They my come to you or they may tell you how to get them a sample for a plant pathologist.

When did you first plant them and how many years have you been harvesting berries from them? When did you first plant the ones in the raised bed and how many years have you been harvesting berries from them?

What method did you use to plant both? Did you transplant and cut them one foot above the ground?

Which ones died, the original ones or the ones in the raised bed or both?

What was your snow cover last winter? (I know... this could definitely be it.) Heavy snow cover can damage the canes and you won't know it unless you dig up a number of roots from various locations and peel the skin off them to see if the roots are brown or still white flesh (this is a common practice of raspberry management). If most are brown, you have to cut most of them off at ground level. Otherwise, they will use too much energy trying to blossom and bear fruit and then they will die or produce poor fruit.

And THAT is just a snippet of our telecon.

BTW, Guy had not heard the nickname we use to call him for years and he ROARED with laughter when I said, "This is Gary Owens calling and I am looking for Da Vice Grip la. Ya gotta see the mitts on this guy... he could squash yer head like a raspberry with one hand.