The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139593   Message #3204148
Posted By: PoppaGator
08-Aug-11 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: Practicing...How Much?
Subject: RE: Practicing...How Much?
Too much is never enough!

I try to play my guitar at least a little bit every day. If nothing else, I think it's important to at least tune up every day; when I don't, I find that I start having difficulty tuning quickly and accurately when I have to.

I am not making any kind of effort to work professionally, but for a few years now, I've had a regular once-a-month time slot at a "basket house" type coffeehouse. This kind-of forces me to practice regularly whether or not I'm busy or in-the-mood during any particular period of time.

Some months, I have new material ready to go for my little show and am sharp as a tack; other months, I've been distracted (slacking off) and need to squeeze in a couple of hasty practice sessions during the last week before my scheduled performance. Forces me to keep my hand in.

I've gotten involved in choral singing for about the past year. Keeps my voice in practice, better than ever, but my instrumental practice has fallen off a bit. C'est la vie...