The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118380   Message #3204214
Posted By: michaelr
08-Aug-11 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sucu Sucu
Subject: RE: Origins: Sucu Sucu
Google translate does a slightly better job:

As always, stealing the Cubans the product of his unique musical talent that has inspired the world. They can make as many guesses you want, but can not be disputed that the Sucu Sucu the Isle of Pines was born even before they knew. Since it was a variant of which are played locally, had not reached certain strata until EG recorded his famous "Felipe Blanco" that went around the world together with another almost as famous titled "Domingo Pantoja". Again, can speculate all they want and misinform but all serious historians and musicologists agree that the Sucu Sucu is another creation of this incredible village that is Cuban music and which I hope to meet before I die.