The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3205976
Posted By: Will Fly
11-Aug-11 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
OK, now we've got it all off our chests - now we've birched the fuckers and made 'em each write 400 letters for jobs (to whom, by the way?), and we've stopped all their benefits and prosecuted 'em all and locked 'em all up at our expense - what now?

Let's spend our energies examining cause - not effect - and we might, just might, get somewhere.

I don't believe that the State should namby-pamby any part of society, and I have no sympathies whatsoever for the thuggish behaviour of the looters. But - just a thought - if it's tough enough for decent, hard-working kids to get work or get a decent place to live these days, what hope can be made for those who have absolutely no hope? Without hope there are no aspirations, and without aspirations, people will lie in the shit they were born into.