The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3206014
Posted By: Big Mick
11-Aug-11 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
A couple of observations.....

Don wyziwig, we get it. You are to be commended. Good man you are for risings from the detritus of your upbringing. Would that "they" were all like you. But, you see, "they" are not all like you. The ingredients that went into the soup that is you, plus a bit of luck, is peculiarly you. And that is why it serves little purpose in the search for answers, IMO. Your country has a problem. Will Fly, and earlier, Richard Bridge are wisely trying to urge that you all put aside your own peculiar views and look at the broader societal and political causes as you seek to understand and fix. Good sauce, that.

I have only one bone to pick with Richard and others in this and the earlier thread. I have read several comments which referenced "other right wing countries" or "being like America". May I suggest to you that these comments project an arrogance to those of us that are not from your country? It seems to me that national SELF examination is the way forward for my British friends. Your problems are yours and the cause and effect of it is complex. Just as ours are. Comparisons to other countries at times like this only serve to reinforce a negative stereotype of you folks as self righteous and arrogant. And if there is one thing I have learned from years of listening in on your conversations, it is that you are a kind, generous, and hospitable people. I hope the context is not lost on this post, as it meant to be sincere and not perjorative.

All the best,
