The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3206065
Posted By: GUEST,Bluesman
11-Aug-11 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
I can understand people trying to comprehend why over a 5 day period cities in the UK were subjected to an unpredicted level of lawlessness, violence and murder.

To blame, Murdoch, bankers, government policies, police brutality, people who worked hard to establish themselves in business is sheer stupidity.

If you want to know way they did it, look towards the culture of "why the fuck should I work when I can get state benefits and a home for doing fuck all" yes there is a culture of laziness and opt out of the system and no one can say it does not exist.

Pressure groups get changes made to the law, I spoke with a friend who is a solicitor last night(not a washed up never made it in the real world example) he said governments introduced so many laws over the years to appease such groups that they actually are now unable to deal with situations such as what is currently happening because these laws are now biting them in the ass.

The reality of the situation in our cities is that many cultures are now prepared to defend the areas they call their own. This will lead to tension, divisions and resentment. I am still of the opinion that a monster came of the flames of the past week and we will soon get to the opportunity to meet it.