The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139650   Message #3206316
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
11-Aug-11 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your Brain, Your Brain on God
Subject: RE: BS: Your Brain, Your Brain on God
I don't know why people find it so difficult to allow others to believe as they choose, without calling them stupid or deluded.

I don't frankly give a damn what any of you choose to believe, and I don't expect you to give a damn about what I choose to believe. It simply isn't that important.

What is important is the separation of beliefs into two categories, neither of which should be encouraged to interest itself in the affairs and activities of the other.

Category 1. The Spiritual!

This is the realm of religion, dealing fundamentally with the human soul, the existence of God (or Allah, Jehovah, the Cosmic Pixie, or whatever turns you on) and other spiritual concepts.

Category 2. The Material!

This is the realm of everyday worldly existence, dealing with physical events and is the proper domain of science.

Now I'm not saying that a belief in science should exclude a belief in God or a religious order, that would be ridiculous.

But we should all be able to figure out which system would apply in any specific circumstances, and apply it accordingly.

This would automatically preclude the involvement of any religion in the purely material matters of government.

The biggest single advantage would be the savings made in bandwidth by removing the need for Catters to call each other stupid or deluded, which has produced such a huge archive of threads devoted to converting the unconvertible.

Don T.