The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3206422
Posted By: Beer
11-Aug-11 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
I guess Don I did not explain my thoughts very well. In fact i just wrote the original post in haste and anger. I came from an area where boys (Girls were not accepted as yet in the forces.) if lucky finished school. Those that didn't found it very hard to find a job. A good number turned to the forces. Fellows who were nothing but bullies and assholes would join and came out respective men.( And proud to serve their country.) My two older brothers did their term due to the above facts and became respective citizens when they left the force. No, I think very highly of our military but maybe because from the area where i grew up in , it was a Saviour for many. When I see what is happening, I see youth that need work. The frustration is being taken out in a very wrong way. But maybe, just maybe they have no place to turn but to violence. i know that what i am saying will mean nothing to many who read this and i don't have an answer that would be accepted by all, but many of these kids (children)have nothing to do. Try staying home for one week staring at the walls with nothing to do. I will now take a stand and maybe stand alone. Parents are to blame PERIOD.....