The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3206542
Posted By: Richard Bridge
12-Aug-11 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
Someone I know got put in the Navy because he was a bit of a menace on a beer or 12 when he was young. He spent most of basic training on various sorts of charges. At his passing out parade he was put in the unarmed combat demo so the PTIs could have a laugh at his expense. 5 had to haul him off the 6th because he was chewing on that other's jugular. When he cam out of the glasshouse, the Navy said "Oh, so that's what you're good at is it?" and he spent the next few years killing the enemies of her maj mostly hand to hand in covert things as part of the SBS. I had most to do with him recently when he was ordered as a condition of bail to live at my house - the charge was at first attempted murder. If the Army doesn't want them, the Navy might, and they do indeed come out even more dangerous.

What Al says however is sage.