The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139681   Message #3206584
Posted By: Teribus
12-Aug-11 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Punishment for riots
Subject: RE: BS: Punishment for riots
To all those wittering on about deprivation, poverty, frustration, Government cuts that haven't even been introduced yet, poverty traps and sink estates.

Have you had a look at a cross-section of over a thousand "looters" have been arrested in London alone and over half of them have already appeared before the courts. This morning on BBC News one of their reporters, reporting from outside the court-house, was asked if there was any discernible "profile" of the "looters" - His reply was quite astonishing - "None whatsoever, those who have appeared so far range in age from 11 to their mid-thirties and appear to come from all walks of life and from the full range of society" - So where are all these poor deprived souls then?? Or should we just face up to facts? What we have witnessed over the past few days has got nothing whatsoever to do with politics, yet to be introduced cuts (as suggested by Ken Livingstone) or social condition, what we witnessed was mass lawlessness, theft and criminal damage on a grand scale.

I do not care a toss how many looters or rioters get battered into a coma and who subsequently die as a result of action taken by the forces of law and order.

To go out with the deliberate intention of causing criminal damage, perpetrate acts of arson, loot and riot was their choice and their choice alone, they deserve everything that is coming their way.

My feelings of outrage are reserved for Mr. Richard Mannington Bowes who was totally let down by every single person in this country - We should all feel shame that this 68 year old man died doing what every single person present should have been doing - Upholding Law & Order, it cost him his life.